Our Culture: Project Leadership

We believe in establishing a foundation for Project Leadership.  Team members now are more educated than ever before and we believe they should be led through projects, not managed.  It’s the systems and processes of a project that we manage.  Setting a foundation and culture of how to think about projects is our expertise.  Since we’ve started managing projects, we’ve seen the most project success when teams establish a project management foundation which includes both Read more…

How to Establish a Simple Project Management System

I’ve been a project manager since 2007, and over the course of my career since then, I’ve managed a lot of projects.  I’ve also been part of the team on certain projects, and from both perspectives, I’ve experienced a similar problem.  There’s a gap between the project managers and the team members.  Here is what I’ve noticed: Project Managers love to use their tools and techniques, and Team Members just want to get their function, Read more…

How to: Feel Free While Managing Projects

I’ve noticed a certain feeling attached to high quality products of our day.  We can all think of these products that seem to define us and help build our identity.  We feel like these products satisfy a need we didn’t even know we had and that feeling influences a positive emotional response for us to buy the products.  That feeling we get from these high quality products is actually built into the product by how Read more…

The Foundation

A foundation is an interesting thing.  It goes unseen and underappreciated, but it determines the the size of the entire structure.  It is the first thing planned for and if done right, will allow for future growth of the above structure.  It’s the practice hours that athletes put in to get the skill and fitness just right, it’s the late nights of studying and preparing for an exam,  or the concrete walls and floor of Read more…

My Dilemma…

It’s not perfect, don’t release it! My inner monologue always working overtime to convince me that if it’s not perfect, I cannot release it (including this first post). I love the crisp feeling of a well engineered machine, process, idea, or feeling and love to add small customization to make it my own.  Therein is my dilemma; the development process is messy, full of rough edges, a not so crisp feel and definitely not perfect.  Read more…